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Deep Dive -sessions are 30 minutes in-depth discussions or presentations. Deep Dives are held in separate virtual rooms in the Event Platform. Seats are limited for each session and registration can be done on the Event Platform.


Zero Trust Container Security with Zero Effort

11:20-11:50 CET / 12:20-12:50 EET

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Jain Joseph,
Presales Engineer 


Cloud computing and the shift to container infrastructures accelerate business, yet introduce new security concerns. During the live demonstration we will be covering how NeuVector can secure your containerised environment from development to production. We will be looking at:

• Behaviour based Zero Trust Container Segmentation
• Layer 7 Container Network Visibility 
• Automated Security Policy Creation & Enforcement 
• Compliance Assessment and Reporting



An Actionable Approach to Threat Intelligence

12:40-13:10 CET / 13:40-14:10 EET

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Mackenzie Storm,

Senior Analyst, Product Owner: Threat Intelligence & Threat Hunting


-  How an organization can build the right approach to threat intelligence, with an emphasis 
    on “actionability” to reduce your attack surface and lower your risk from external forces.

  • Digital Risk Protection

  • Vulnerability Intelligence

  • Threat & Sector Landscape Reporting

  • Intelligence Investigations

- Using actionable threat intelligence to augment and support other teams, including Threat Hunting and SOC.

OffSec Certified Professional

13:30-14:00 CET / 14:30-15:00 EET

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Aino Kivilahti,

Security consultant

Loihde Trust

OSCP is a well-known hacker certificate but what does the road to approach it actually look like? Should you march there armed to the teeth with hacking knowledge already or can you really go from hacking zero to hero by going through this 3-month process? You will hear thoughts about the scheduling, difficulty level, community and more.

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